I adore this colour so much I went out and bought a cardigan to match! It does need a couple of coats and a topcoat to be at its best, and I have a job getting all the pink off my fingers when removing it but I really, really love the colour. Like most people I got this free with last month's Glamour; I do so love a freebie!
On another note I am LOVING the snow at the moment. I know most people dislike it intensely but I'm quite used to snow and I love walking across it and hearing the crackling noise it makes! Twas a lovely moment when I woke up this morning to this sight:
Unfortunately I was in classes most of the day so I didn't get to make the most of the snow, but I did wander down to Canterbury city centre while it was still snowing, and the Christmas market looked so lovely under the lights I snapped a pic of that too!
Eventually I expect I'll locate my camera charger but I'm quite enjoying taking pictures with my phone, the effects are always different and sometimes really lovely! Sadly it wasn't good enough to take pics of how the snow looked when I was walking home, it was so peaceful and white everywhere but it wouldn't show up on camera, boo! Really my only negative at the moment is the fact that I don't own any waterproof boots; I must remedy this immediately. I'd love a pair like these so I shall go on a boot hunt this week!
How has your week started? Are you a snow-lover like me or do you wish it would go away and leave you alone?
I've talked before about
Belle Vintage, the most amazing blog/shop run by the lovely Ella, and once again I highly recommend you take a look over there if you haven't already! Ella also sells her wares on the UKC campus on a regular basis so if you're near the Canterbury area it's totally worth popping over to take a look (you can find times and places for her stall
HERE). I tend to have a browse after my morning seminar and yesterday I came across this beautiful brooch and fell in love:
Isn't it gorgeous? It now adorns the lapel of my coat.
Oh WOW! HAI NEW FOLLOWERS! How are there 33 of you now? My blog is becoming more random by the day but fear not, I am still the beauty/fashion junkie I was when I began. To prove this, here is a super-duper haute couture *snigger* bag I covet:
No really, I need this bag in my life. Anyhoo, thank you so much for following my humble little blog and I love you all oodles and oodles!
No, not Match of the Day (I'm lying low after last night...and last weekend...). This is a MITTEN OF THE DAY post, inspired by Rhamnousia. Unlike her, however, mine aren't official mittens; instead they form part of the tribe I (and other people) like to call "glittens", as they are gloves that can transform themselves into mittens. Very useful, I say, as I can still use my iphone, BUT when the chill hits I can cover my fingers up so they don't freeze and fall off (I hate when that happens.) On Saturday I accompanied my other half to a Charlton game and, well, I was a little bit bored in between goals (not the kind of football I am used to, shall we say) so I decided to take a snap of my cosy hands. Et voila!
I also like to refer to these as my 'Transformer' gloves. You should be able to find them in Dorothy Perkins, and they haven't broken yet so thumbs up all round!
So I saw Deathly Hallows on Friday night...and it was AMAZING. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who is yet to see it but it is the best one so far and the most true to the book. I was watching it and as scenes played out I could hear the words from the book in my head, that's how good it was! My camera ran out of battery (silly me) so I had to use my iphone to take pics, which meant I got to play around with my Hipstomatic app.
The ticket!
My wand (willow, if you're interested) and the menu...
My attempt to summon my food, and my tie-less attempt at a Hogwarts uniform.
It worked! Om nom nom.
And then the most perfectly magical dessert!
All in all it was a perfect night; Stephie has photos of us in our robes and scarves, and we weren't the only people dressed up! Have you seen the film? What did you think?
This is not a beauty/fashion post, so if that's all you're into, you might want to stop reading here. These are merely my thoughts, provoked by a certain film that opened at midnight (and that I'm going to see in a matter of hours). A little ramble, if you will.
(image via Tumblr)
Last night I found myself attempting to summarise the Harry Potter books and I realised that is impossible. How do you explain it to someone who isn't at all familiar with the series, someone who has never picked up one of the books or watched one of the films? I ended up saying it was about good versus evil, but you just can't strip these books down like that. It's not the battle between good and evil that draws the readers in, it's the world created, the empathy you feel for the characters, their stories, the magic that created all of this, and by that I mean J.K. Rowling's talent and the way everything comes together in the final book, not the actual magic in the books. Although that is pretty cool as well.
I remember reading the very first one the year it came out; I was 9, a voracious reader, and I started reading it in the car (note - I would not recommend this). I remember how the back of the book didn't inspire me as it didn't reveal sufficient detail about the plot (I was a nit-picking little critic even then). I also remember how, two pages in, I was hooked. And I have been ever since. I remember two years later waiting expectantly for my Hogwarts letter (what Harry Potter fan hasn't done this?) and even in my teens my sisters and cousin and I would pretend to hold Hogwarts classes over the summer. We even mocked up O.W.L.S! Even today at the age of 22 I own a robe and a wand, courtesy of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (and my fiance and Stephie, of course). I'll be wearing them tonight, of course.

I think the reason I have been so excited for this particular day is due to all the waiting. I miss waiting for each new book to come out, I really do. Now the penultimate film is here, and I'm a little bit sad that we're one step closer to all this being over. It feels like the end of an era, if that makes sense. I've never liked the films as much as the books; in my opinion, the films are an extension of the books, not replacements, and I find it sad that so many people rely on the films to give them their "Harry Potter experience" rather than the books. I have never been so emotionally connected to a work of literature before; never have I laughed so much, never have I cried so hard at a book. The chapter 'The Prince's Tale' still makes me sob uncontrollably, despite having read the book six times, so much so that I have alarmed my mother every single time I've read the chapter in her presence (she always thinks something awful has happened until she sees the book I'm holding and dripping tears all over). I just can't get over how perfect it is. The way Snape's story is told. The way it all starts to make sense. Severus Snape is an excellent character and I would be honoured if I could one day write a character even half as perfect as he is. I love the way details that seemed insignificant in previous books all have a meaning in the last, I love the way everything is resolved so perfectly and yet so sadly as well.
This post is somewhat pointless. I can't put my love for these books into words, there are no words, only emotion (and lots of it). I know I will cry tonight after this part of the film finishes. I know I will sob and sob during the last film. And after all that, I will reread the books and remember how much they affected my childhood and beyond, and I look forward to reading them to my children, and hoping they too will understand the magic of Harry Potter.
I will love these books forever, it is as simple as that. I feel my love for them is summarised quite perfectly by Snape himself, in that particular scene in the final chapter that never fails to bring a tear to my eye:
'After all this time?'
'Always,' said Snape.
Thursday is always such a "blah" day for me, so I cheered myself up with some M&S meringues, a magazine and some lovely new hair products. Boots are currently doing a '2 for £6" deal on all Naked haircare products; I picked up the heat defence spray and some curl mousse (both usually £4.99) to help my "must have long hair for wedding" cause. I really really want long hair on my wedding day so I can have my dream hairstyle...is that sad? It's the first time I'll have used any kind of heat protectant - ironic, considering I haven't used straighteners in two months, whereas before they were a valuable part of my everyday routine!
What do you tend to buy when you need some kind of material comfort? For me it's always, always meringues! I can easily eat my way through a whole box, I'm addicted to them...
Browsing in Accessorize the other day I realised exactly how much I love it there, it just had so many items which appeal to me, so I have compiled a little wishlist containing the items I would absolutely love to have in my possession...
As you can see I have a bit of a thing for clock necklaces...These earrings also really float my boat:
And finally, these gorgeous cosy slippers to keep my feet warm!
Sigh...are you reading, Santa?
What do you think? Do you love Accessorize as much as I do?
First of all, I have to apologise for being such an awful blogger! I've had a few posts lined up for ages, I just never find the time to take photographs in natural light, so for this post I've had to resort to using my bedroom light, which I despise. It just turns everything so orange! Yuk. I felt I had to write this review though as I feel it could benefit other people and maybe I'd hear how others have fared with these purchases.
I picked these cheap-as-chips products up the other week when I was heading up to my fiance's place, as I'd forgotten my usual Garnier cleanser - doh!Initially I went into Superdrug looking for the Amie range, which I've read good things about, but it didn't have them so I bought these two pretties instead (they were on offer too - savvy shopping or what?) and d'you know what...I really like them!
I've been using the Garnier grape water cleanser for years but this cleanser may have won me over...I absolutely love it! It removes even the most stubborn eye make-up, whereas the Garnier one still left traces of mascara on my lashes. All I have to do is squeeze a blob of this product into my hand and massage it into my face for a bit, then rinse and voila, make-up all gone! The face wash is nothing special, I tend to use it in the mornings and maybe after using the cleanser if I feel like giving my skin a proper clean. The only negative is that it occasionally leaves my skin feeling a bit taut and warm, so moisturiser would be recommended afterwards for dry skin. Both products have a pleasant smell that doesn't linger, and I feel that they may be good for sensitive skin as I have had no adverse reactions. Also Vitamin E is meant to be good for healing the skin, and I have to say I've had no breakouts from using these products, in fact if anything they have reduced my spots which is always a good thing!
I give the cleanser 10/10 and the face 9/10 simply because it's not really anything to write home about, I don't dislike it but it's not special in any way! Both products, and indeed anything in that range are really good value for money, so I'd definitely recommend them, and I may even try out some other products for good measure!
Face wash - £1.99
Cleanser - £2.49
Both available from Superdrug.
I'm not usually one for those monthly favourites posts, as I'm quite forgetful, or products don't impress me enough to warrant the term "favourite", or I get sidetracked by other things...but last month I picked up a few new products that I've really loved and will definitely be repurchasing!
Aussie Miracle Hair Insurance Leave-In Conditioner- I LOVE this, okay. I go round recommending it to everyone whether they want my advice or not! I spray this in my hair just after towel-drying and occasionally at night-time just for a special treat and I swear my hair's never been this soft. It's great! The smell is lovely too, like all Aussie products. This is about £.3.45 in Superdrug or Boots, worth looking out for promotions though.
Gosh Touch Up concealer - picked this up after reading several favourable reviews and it really does a great job on dark circles! I think it was £5.99 in Superdrug.
Too Faced Smoky Eye Palette - I got this in Sephora over a year ago as it had somehow found itself in the sale for 5 euro...yes you read that correctly, FIVE EURO! I just googled it to confirm my suspicions and yes, it's still selling in Debenhams and Boots for upwards of £22...Anyway, I adore my little bargain palette and as you can see I'm heavily into the second base colour and the little brown one on the top right. I use the light colours every day just to smooth out my eyelid, even if I'm not wearing any liner over the top, and they work perfectly. The other colours are all beautifully pigmented and I'd love to get the green one to work on my eyes but I just can't make it look good!
Nail varnishes - admittedly I got both of these free, the Missguided one came with last month's Cosmo and the Nails Inc one is free with this month's Glamour (and for 2 quid I'm considering picking up another colour!). I adore the colour of the Missguided one and it lasts ages if you use a topcoat. It's such a pretty, subtle colour, and the consistency and texture of the polish is pretty good too. I usually use a couple of coats though, as the first one can be a bit streaky! The Nails Inc one is such a beautiful colour in the bottle, although slightly darker on the nails. It doesn't last as well as the Missguided one with a topcoat, which I think is a bit sad considering how much Nails Inc polishes cost normally, but it's so pretty I don't even mind!
Marc Jacobs Daisy perfume - I spray this every now and then when I want to be reminded of summertime, and as it's so light and fresh it leaves a great after-scent when sprayed onto my big woolly scarf.
Collection 2000 Extreme eyeliner - read my review on this
HERE. I really like this, it does the same job as my beloved Bourjois Liner Feutre but for about half the price!
I'd just like to point out that I had to edit the colouring in all these photos as they all turned out really orange...I miss proper daylight! What were your October favourites? Anything you'd recommend to others?
If you fancy bagging yourself a Lancome Hypnose mascara (along with some other bits and pieces) then head over to
and try your chances in Nat's giveaway! You'll need to be a follower but she has such a great blog anyway so this shouldn't be too difficult for you!
This week I'd like to recommend the lovely Stephie over at
She's just started out, but has posted a wonderful eyeliner tutorial, so if you fancy a little inspiration then head over there! I expect there will be plenty more fabulous looks to follow!
Today, despite being ill and having a ton of essay work to do, I wanted to make the most of my fiance's company and the good weather so we went to Westwood Cross in Ramsgate for the afternoon. My beloved New Look brogues are starting to come apart at the soles (that's New Look quality for you! I should have bought proper leather ones to begin with!) so I decided to give my Zara boots an airing as I've only worn them twice since buying them and they cost 50 euro!
I look so terribly squinty, yet again...I have to perfect some kind of pose, I think! I'm wearing my beloved tea dress (I wear this at least once a week) under a warm cardigan and my Prada denim jacket I got as a present from my uncle years ago, over multiple pairs of tights and topped off with my fiance's scarf and my satchel. Here's a close-up of the boots:
Apologies for the quality but I only ever feel like taking outfit photos when my camera's not charged, for some bizarre reason...
I'm now curled up on our sofa with a nice cup of tea, trying to get myself back into essay-mode! I can't wait till this round of essays is handed in, then I can start the next lot, oh joy...
What have you been up to on this sunny Saturday?
I adore Leighton Meester's hair, it's one of the highlights of my Gossip Girl experience! I'm trying to grow my hair out from an ill-advised bob and hope one day I will have locks like hers, it's looking especially gorgeous here!
Who gives you hair envy?