[Warning: very long, rambling post ahead]
Make-up-wise, for me 2010 was the Year of the Lip...in other words, the year I discovered lipsticks and tints and what-not could actually work for me. I think this can be traced back to a vintage photoshoot I did with my friends Stephie and Steph (I know a lot of Stephs) in October 2009, because before then I'd never really worn lipstick (I don't think I even owned one!)...yes I was one of those people who was "nervous" about wearing lippie...and suddenly it was being slapped on my lips in order to recreate a 40s/50s look.
Cue some strange poses.
After that I went out and bought a cheap Maybelline lipstick (I think it was called Fatal Red, or some other enchanting name) but it wasn't great, didn't smell very nice or last very long. I'm wearing it in the photo below, but it wore off literally five minutes after the pic was taken. Bit of a waste of money there.
As you can see, it's slightly orange against my skin tone although when I first swatched it, it seemed to be a true red. Blegh.
Then...I discovered...the LIP TINT.(Ta-da!)
It all started with a Body Shop tint I got free with a magazine, and then I bought the MeMeMe tint in Pussycat (which I have mentioned many, MANY times on this blog...I use it on my cheeks as well, it's a major part of my make-up routine!) which I absolutely adore, and thus my obsession with lip tints continued. As you can see above, it's a lovely dark pink once layered, but you do need lipbalm to stop your lips from getting too dry!
In this I'm wearing the Max Factor Lipfinity pen in 06 Royal Plum, which is slightly pinker in real life than it looks here. I'm thinking of buying the Berry one next! I now own this one, the Models Own one (which has gone up a pound in price since I bought it, tut tut) and two MeMeMe Pussycat tints (because they change the packaging from when I first bought it and I think the newer one is slightly more pigmented.)
And finally...my favourite.
Oh yes. It's no secret I'm a big fan of Chanel (and if you didn't know, shame, shame on you!) I lurk by their counters in every department store I venture in to. It doesn't matter where I am, my Chanel-radar will always take me straight to their iconic black and white counters, and I basically just stand there and drool over all the pretty things whilst swatching them. Unfortunately, for a cash-strapped student, Chanel products are slightly out of my price range and so the only items I own have all been gifted to me by people who know how obsessed I am (aka Jon, and my mum). The first item I owned was Rouge Coco lipstick in 05, or Mademoiselle, which is absolutely lovely, and soft, but alas does not show up on my lips in photos, at least, not the way it does in real life! I don't have it with me at the moment so I can't show any swatches, but if you're after a 'my lips but better' shade then I recommend this!
Now, here is my latest acquisition, courtesy of Jon. I'd been banging on about it for yonks, ever since reading
THIS post on
Loveaudrey. It was, quite honestly, love at first sight. After reading the post I subsequently swatched it at every single Chanel counter I passed; I remember dabbing some on my lips in House of Fraser and absolutely adoring it...and Jon, bless him, listened.
Here it is, the lovely Rouge Allure Laque in Dragon.
Or, you know, in 'number 75', because according to Jon two people at different counters looked at him like he had a screw or two loose when he asked them for 'Dragon'. Just a little tip for you there.
I love this so much. It's ever so soft and feels really moisturising, not at all like that Maybelline lipstick (hiss) and very different to lip tints. Application takes a teeny bit more time than lip tints because I like to smudge it a little round the edges of the lip to make it look less harsh, but otherwise it is, quite simply, perfection.
I'm afraid I can't give you prices for every item as I didn't buy some of them (although Dragon is £24, I know that from my many yearnings) but I have blogged on the lip tints before so prices should be in those posts.
What are your favourite lip products? Do you go for a classic red lip or do you prefer more understated looks?