Hello my lovelies!
I hope you're all worn out from celebrating last night! I had a lovely night in with my family and our own private firework show courtesy of my sister's boyfriend and to top it off my sister tagged me to answer these questions on how my year has been. Never one to resist wasting half an hour answering a tag, here are my responses!
1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
I didn't spend my birthday with my whole family which was somewhat bizarre...I graduated (woop) and got my first real job, went on holiday with Jon by ourselves, got invited to some fab blogger events...may 2012 bring much much more!
-that High School Musical 3 moment...
2. What countries did you visit?
Nothing out of the ordinary but I did have my first Disneyland experience in September! It was amazing, I have to go again, hopefully to the Florida one next!
3. What moments from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?
Unfortunately some are a bit rubbish and I shan't go into them here, but finding out I had achieved the 2:1 I wanted was a good'un, as was graduating with all my loved ones that were able to make it. Ticking off things on our "things to do before leaving uni" was fun as well, I think we managed to get most of them done!
- our fab Summerball experience!
4. Where did most of your money go?
Probably clothes...not counting rent and travel and so on! I need to curb my spending habit in 2012...
5. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Too many to count but anything from Glee's second season as that is basically all we watched at uni!
- to infinity and beyond with our mate Buzz!
6. What do you wish you'd done more of?
I wish I'd made the most of my last year in Canterbury and spent less time writing essays! Also I do wish I had more time to blog properly as I really miss it, it used to be a pleasure putting on make up and getting dressed up for posts, it's just not the same doing it for work!
7. What do you wish you'd done less of?
Eating...need to lose a few pounds!
8. How will you be spending New Year's Eve?
Ahem, disregarding the above answer as much as possible!
9. Did you fall in love in 2011?
I stayed very much in love with Jon! Fell in love with a few too many Kurt Geiger shoes though...
10. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
11. What did you want and get?
I wanted to graduate with results I would be proud of, and I definitely achieved this!
12. What did you want and not get?
A lottery win...and my masters programme (sob). I make noises about my driver's license every year but once again not actually done anything constructive in terms of achieving this.
13. What was your favourite film(s) of this year?
Definitely Deathly Hallows Part 2, although the King's Speech and Tangled were fab as well. Beauty and The Beast became a staple for evenings when we needed a bit of Disney (love a bit of Disney!).
14. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I went to the seaside with my grandad (we share a birthday) and nana and Jon. I turned 23! Scary!
15. Who was the best new person/people you met?
I finally got to meet some other bloggers! I'm hoping to continue this at the #ldnlunch in March :D
-meeting these lovely gals at the excellent Aussieversary party
16. Did you learn anything?
That earning money does not equal happiness.
17. Who did you spend Valentines with?
I er, didn't. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day, instead we try and have dates as often as possible!
18. Do you live in the same place you did at the beginning of the year?
No, I've moved to Essex to be with my second family :)
19. Did you change your hair?
Not significantly. It's not grown as much as I hoped!
20. Any weddings in 2011?
My cousin Sam got married and it was beautiful - who needs a royal wedding?
21. Any babies in 2011?
Dear God no.
22. So overall was it a good year?
It could have been better. Much better. Not a patch on 2010 in terms of luck!
23. Were you naughty or nice?
I like to think I was nice!
- Pimms at Woodys to celebrate the end of exams!
24. What's your New Year's Resolution?
To pursue my dreams properly and achieve at least one of them!
I pass this tag on to anyone who fancies spending a wee bit of time filling it in. Let me know if you do, I love reading other people's answers!