Hello my lovelies,
Gosh it has been a while! I really don't know what is wrong with me at the moment; I keep thinking of things I must blog about but I am lacking the energy to do anything more than going to work and back again. My laptop continues to beckon me but my brain is just too tired to complete anything productive. Enough! I have lots to talk about and plenty of photos to show you, so I shall begin with yesterday's jaunt to Whitstable Castle for afternoon tea.
I've been trying to rein in my spending recently, which is most likely why I have not been blogging as much. I think I have adopted the mindset that I have to be using or wearing something new in order to blog about it, which is obviously not the right attitude to have - blogging shouldn't be about how much you own, it should be about what you make of what you've got! Having said that though, I am rocking the few purchases I have treated myself to this month in these photos:

I have well and truly jumped on the rose gold bandwagon this week, with this lovely watch from Next and this super bargain bag from H&M - only £15! It's surprisingly roomy and I swear it looks more expensive than it was. It actually reminds me a bit of that Zara satchel that was making the blog rounds a few months ago; I wasn't a massive fan of the style of that one but for some reason I adore this lovely accessory! The dress is a current line from Dorothy Perkins, only £18 and I received so many comments on the print as it genuinely looks like lace overlay. The skater shape is so flattering as well, and I'm sure you know how partial I am to a flippy skirt or six!
A quick note on the setting: if you're in the East Kent area, definitely visit this gorgeous castle (technically more of a stately home) - the grounds are beautiful, the building is stunning and the tea room is reasonably priced with enormous servings and excellent service. It's under a fiver for a cream tea and they also serve the most delicious looking sandwiches - I heartily recommend it! It's often overlooked in favour of visiting the beach or the fish bars in Whitstable, but I see no reason you couldn't do both.
How did you spend your Bank Holiday?
Hello my lovelies,
Long time no speak! I've been a dreadful blogger over the last couple of weeks, I am just suffering from constant exhaustion at the moment and even the smallest task seems impossible to complete! On a brighter note our flat purchase is progressing nicely, albeit slowly, so I hope to be able to call myself a home-owner at some point over the next few weeks!
We've even been lucky enough to experience the odd ray of sunshine recently - I know right, how BIZARRE, it's only August... I realised the other week I hardly own any sun-worthy clothes, so ransacked eBay for something light and breezy to wear. Predictably as soon as this dress arrived, the rain returned...but I managed to snap these pics earlier today in a brief spell of sunny weather!
Dress - Boohoo via eBay; flipflops - New Look via eBay |
I found this beauty on eBay, it's by Boohoo, a brand I don't really look at very often as I've purchased dresses from them before and returned them because the quality isn't very good! I can honestly say that this maxi is a pleasant surprise, it feels lovely and the beading is gorgeous, so I'm very happy with it and may have to peruse Boohoo more often!
Right, I'm going to continue devouring the BBC coverage of the Olympics now - isn't it amazing? Yesterday I was watching athletics on the TV, the rowing on the iPad and the individual show-jumping on my laptop - sports bliss! I was lucky enough to attend the dressage last Sunday but we got rained out, and I'm also seeing the football next weekend and the athletics for the Paralympics in September. I'm so excited to visit the Olympic Park, it really looks wonderful and I'm so proud of everyone who has made this so brilliant, organisers, volunteers and athletes alike! I'm loving it all so far - are you?