Hello my lovelies,
Allow me to introduce my new love...
Some nice warts-n-all close ups for you there! But then what is the sense of reviewing foundation on a perfect spot and hair-free complexion?
Dani xoxo
Just before Christmas I was given some vouchers from work at our annual Christmas party as a lovely bonus. Naturally I deliberated long and hard over what to spend them on... For all of five minutes.
My friend Stephie always has a flawlessly radiant complexion so I simply had to discover her secret...rather than kindly pointing out that her skin is better than mine, she pointed me in the direction of the Yves Saint Laurent le Teint Touche Éclat.
Several years ago I used to own the original Touche Éclat highlighter pen but fell out of love with it when I discovered the Benefit highlighters, as they seemed to last longer. I was therefore intrigued when this foundation was released as the companion product, but read a few reviews about it not being suited to oilier skins and decided not to invest. Happily though my skin is balancing itself out a bit now and it's always a bit more in need of radiance this time of year anyway!
All of the issues I had read about and was therefore expecting have not really been a problem for me using this - I heard it didn't last long, the coverage left something to be desired, and it has been deemed too shiny rather than glowy by some! Admittedly I apply the foundation over my No7 matte primer and sometimes apply powder over my T zone but the wear is almost on par with Estée Lauder Double Wear on me, which is virtually unheard of in my world! Below are some un-retouched images of me wearing le Teint Touche Éclat, spots and all...
Some nice warts-n-all close ups for you there! But then what is the sense of reviewing foundation on a perfect spot and hair-free complexion?
What I particularly like about this foundation is how it helps my dark circles - I am genuinely not wearing any concealer under my eyes in these photos and I almost look normal! I use one pump, applied with my Real Techniques buffing brush, and sometimes add a little extra if I feel I need more coverage. The foundation smells quite strongly initially but it's a lovely fresh scent and I haven't noticed any irritation on my skin.
A note on shades though - I was matched by the assistant at the YSL counter in Boots Bluewater and begged her to use a lighter shade than she would have normally on me, as whenever I have been matched previously SAs always seem to pick a fetching shade of orange! She chose the shade BD40 and I instantly panicked at being so high up on the shade scale. When I looked in the mirror however I honestly could not see it and so made the purchase, albeit with heaps of doubt. I stressed about it all the way home until I applied the next day, and I can genuinely say that I have never had such a perfect match before. I literally put a blob on my cheek and it disappeared!
All in all I think I have found my holy grail foundation (for now, I am a fickle soul after all and have declared this many a time on these pages) and would recommend you try this for yourselves as it is simply beautiful! The price is a little steep at £29 but nevertheless cheaper than many of its high end counterparts. Also I would recommend the lovely lady in Boots Bluewater for listening to my shade fears, although sadly I cannot recall her name!
Have you found your holy grail base yet? Let me know!
Dani xoxo
I looove this foundation! The BD40 looks absolutely great on you :)!