cape - H&M / dress - Dorothy Perkins (similar here)
jumper - eBay (similar here)
bag - Accessorize (similar here)/ shoes - New Look (similar here)
Hi loves,
So it's been a while since I last posted an outfit because in all honesty, I've just been picking comfy options recently and not really putting a lot of effort into combining pieces. I've also been holding back from buying new pieces due to the Great Wedding Fund but I made the fatal error of clicking on to this post on Scarphelia the other day and as soon as I spotted the cape, I was lost.
Here's the thing. I have always wanted a cape. All throughout my uni years I debated and weighed up the big cape decision, but chances were missed, stock sold out, my tiny budget could not stretch to it... so I let the dream slide. Uber-sophisticated Pinterest images tried to sway me but I remained resolute. It wasn't practical. I'm a homeowner and a grown-up now, I need to put aside all swishy thoughts of striding around like an extra in Harry Potter and turn to useful options like duffle coats and hoods and pockets. Really I should start doing tax returns and visiting garden centres for fun.
The truth is, I'm 26 years old and I still like to walk around in a swishy cape and pretend I'm stalking the halls of Hogwarts. I can't lie. Practical it is not but boy is it enjoyable!
I teamed my beloved acquisition with a host of old autumn favourites - a cream lace dress, a sparkly jumper off eBay, battered old brogues (as in they are literally 4 years old and on their last legs) and a bag I picked up in the Accessorize sale in the days when I thought £10 was too much to spend on a handbag (it was £9, if I remember rightly).
So in a way I feel like this outfit is the culmination of my 22-year-old self's style aspirations, pairing my old university staples with the cape of dreams. I felt wonderfully autumnal as we pranced along the streets of Bloomsbury and visited the British Museum for their Witches & Wicked Bodies exhibition, which again evoked countless memories of my studies as a lot of the prints feature characters from Faust and Macbeth. I so wished we were there researching an essay or gathering ideas for a dissertation as the whole portrayal of magic and gender through the years is really fascinating, in my opinion. We left the museum heavy with nostalgia and ended up walking it off with a pumpkin spice latte and a golden sunlight stroll. Many props to Geo for taking these photos, I am so thrilled with them!
Is there an item you've coveted for years and finally got your hands on? Please tell me I'm not alone in this!
Love Dani
Yay you kept it! Love how the whole outfit looks together x