Bags. I love them. I have far too many, of course, to the extent I couldn't actually tell you the number as it has long passed my capacity for memorising it. But through it all there has been one bag above all others, one bag to rule them all - the faithful satchel. Purchased in 2010 from Next, its faux-leather confines hold all manner of rubbish, form the perfect accompaniment no matter the occasion, and even survived a Disneyland trip back in the day. No other bag quite captured my adoration and loyalty like it. It has served me well for nearly five years, although when the faux leather started peeling off in places and I had to superglue the clasp back on, I realised I would have to start the search for a replacement.
I had some strict requirements of course: it had to resemble the original; if faux-leather it had to be a nice faux leather (nothing worse than the usual high street plasticky faux leather); it had to look artfully crumpled and it had to be a fairly soft and malleable style so I could fill it with all the things. I searched for almost a year, people. Nowhere yielded anything close to the satchel of dreams, save for Mulberry (did I mention the prime requirement was affordability?!). So in desperation I turned to eBay.
And got lucky.
For £5 I picked up virtually the exact same Next satchel I was searching for - albeit in a slightly darker shade and with a slightly shorter strap, but it is absolutely 100% perfect. As you can see it's the perfect size to stuff in my usual necessities (phone, purse, keys, lipbalm) as well as other daily essentials, including but not limited to):
Lipsticks (at least 2, preferably varying shades to suit all occasions)
Magazine (to pass the time during inevitable train delays)Thermos flask (for chilly mornings)
Travalo atomiser (currently holding Elie Saab Le Parfum L'Eau - love this, but it's almost empty, sob)
~ not shown ~
Umbrella (because Britain)
Camera (for impromptu blogging)
Lunch for days when I can't afford a jaunt to Pod!
Spare cardigan
Hair ties, hair pins (which inevitably disappear after mere hours)
And so much more...
Unfortunately I can't link any similar items AT all, as for some reason nowhere sells anything remotely close. Unless you fancy Mulberry of course (and who doesn't?). Although I still nurture a quiet hankering for the Alexa, my new trustworthy companion should see me through until that lottery win I'm so desperately hoping for...
Love Dani
And so much more...
Unfortunately I can't link any similar items AT all, as for some reason nowhere sells anything remotely close. Unless you fancy Mulberry of course (and who doesn't?). Although I still nurture a quiet hankering for the Alexa, my new trustworthy companion should see me through until that lottery win I'm so desperately hoping for...
Love Dani
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