7 lovely people had something to say
  1. So natural and gorgeous Dani, love the look she created on you and photos are so nicely taken as well :) I'm actually doing my own makeup...you're getting me worried now! I'm I will be find though, just need to keep practicing :)

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

  2. Aw Hanh I'm sure you will be fine, you looked amazing in your engagement shoot! My biggest concern is my skin and no matter what I plaster on it still bothers me, which was my main reason for getting someone in to sort it for me! Props go to my lovely bestie for the photos :) thank you for your lovely comment! xx

  3. I think if you have concerns sometimes it good to leave it to the professionals! xx

  4. Such beautiful photographs in this post! This is a really lovely makeup look - why not treat yourawkf

  5. Aw thank you! Haha I think I may end up treating myself a little too much if I carry on... xx

  6. The makeup AND the photos are gorgeous. I always wonder how I'll end up doing mine when/if I eventually get married. I usually think, like you, that I'll end up doing it myself, but who knows? :) And congratulations on your impending marriage, how exciting!!! ❤

    xx Alyssa — fragments of memories

  7. Martha Stoneham16 May 2015 at 11:43

    I love the lip colour, really great colour on you :)


Thank you so much! xx