Well hello.
It's been a hundred days (100!) since my last post - I seem to have unintentionally been on hiatus for no particular reason, other than extreme baby brain, lack of focus, and general poor health. But you'll be pleased to know these excuses are no longer entirely valid, because... I had a baby!
Three weeks ago this little lad came into our lives and turned everything upside down. I'm thrilled to introduce Harrison, our son. I have a son! He's sweet and wonderful and simply the best thing in all the world.
I'm not going to pretend the last three weeks have been a walk in the park, because they definitely haven't. And I'm also not entirely ready to share details of his birth, because it didn't quite go to plan - I know, they never do, but this couldn't have been more different from the relaxed, low intervention water birth I envisioned, and I'm still processing it now. These things take time, and I'm not looking back with regret at all, I just have a lot of feelings to work through! The main thing is that both Harry and I emerged healthy and safe, and I'm so grateful to our NHS and the maternity unit that took care of us, because they were ace.
Right now we are getting used to being a family of three and every hour that passes is a new learning curve. It's amazing! I find myself spending most of my waking hours (and there are many of those with a newborn) just gazing at his beautiful little face, in complete awe that he was in my tummy a mere 14 days ago. When I'm not gazing at him, I'm either guzzling water, rubbing Lansinoh into my boobs, or admiring the sheer genius that is our nappy bin, for its odour-reducing qualities. I've become that person!
But let's talk a bit more about the boy himself. At this moment in time, aged three weeks...
Harry likes:
- being attached to his mother at the most inconvenient times, ie dinnertime.
- curling up on someone's chest like a koala, legs tucked under his body.
- feeding frequently.
- causing frequent outfit changes.
- having his cheeks stroked.
- the baby shusher (this is a godsend).
- a piano based lullaby playlist on Spotify (another godsend).
Harry does not like:
- being bathed.
- being in his pram for longer than 5 minutes.
- sleeping past 4am.
- waiting for food.
- being changed.
I'm sure all this will change over the next few
Thanks as always for reading, and do let me know if there's anything you'd like me to write about (or not, as I don't mean for this to become a mummy blog really...)
Lots of love,
Dani xoxo
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