Oh hello there!
You'd be forgiven for thinking this blog was defunct. No more. Shuffled off this mortal coil and what have you. I wasn't sure if I'd come back to it, but I have spent the last year in a maternity leave fog and to be honest, I'd rather use the limited energy I have to wash my hair, or make a cup of tea, for example.
But my maternity leave ends this week, so it seemed like a good time to peek out into the blogging world and give you all a tentative, sheepish wave!
Here's the deal: blogging with a baby in tow is HARD. Okay, for me personally, doing anything with a baby in tow is hard and I've spent more time in pyjamas (is it better if I say "leisurewear"? Asking for a friend) over the last year than I ever thought possible. I watch bloggers like the lovely Amy Jane and Baby, or the ever glorious Hannah Gale knock out blog posts on a regular basis, and I have absolutely no idea how they manage it. My baby doesn't nap very well and when he's up he's way too inquisitive and, well, grabby, to get the laptop out in his vicinity. Trust me, I've tried.
But I've just got a new phone, and the Blogger app actually works (it never used to on my iPhone for some reason), so here I am, sitting on the train home after my first official day back at work, and I just want to say:
And thank you for sticking with me, if you're still around! What sort of things would you like to hear from me (if anything?!).
I've changed a lot since becoming a mum, more than I expected, but I'm trying to keep the tiny part of old me alive, somewhere under the befuddled baby brain that still persists. I'm still working on my photography and trying to develop a business somehow. I'm still in love with my makeup, even though my stash has dwindled. I'm still spending far too much time scrolling through ASOS and H&M, although limited funds means limited spending (my wardrobe these days is what I like to call "creative")... I'm still obsessed with Instagram and spend a lot of my time watching Stories and sharing snaps of my life with Harry (snaps that don't necessarily involve all his plastic tat or weaning mess. I'll spare you the gory parts). So I feel like I have a lot to say, I'm just not sure where to begin, or how to say it.
I'll start with saying hi, and we will go from there.
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