And it was a bit depressing, I grant you. Aside from a spree at Next which I won through an Instagram competition, I bought very few clothes last year - a handful of midi summer dresses, a pair of sandals, some spotty culottes. Then, in November, I was approached by Boden to work with them as an Instagram ambassador, and was absolutely inspired by their clothing and by the lovely women also on the programme. I posted briefly about this in February, but since then I've been branching out into different colours, shapes and outfits I would have previously shied away from. I may have gone up a dress size since having Harry, and have lumpy bits everywhere, but I'm actually enjoying getting dressed again. I'm caring less about how flattering my clothes are, and more about how much I like the pieces.
These are a few of my favourite recent outfits. Some are gifted by Boden, others are a mix of items I already owned from various high street stores. I feel like I'm finally starting to find my way again, experimenting with colour and patterns instead of sticking to safe blacks and Breton tees. My favourite place to look for inspiration is Instagram of course - hashtags such as #whatmamaworemonday or #midsizestyle, #mumstylefiles or #30plusstyle have been helping me make the most of my wardrobe again. I'm still happiest in trainers, but rocking more dresses and cropped jeans to shake up my look and help me feel more like my old self again.
I've also found it helpful having a smaller wardrobe - getting dressed is a more concise action, I'm not rifling through a ton of clothes that don't suit me or don't work together in the mornings anymore. I've found through working with Boden and buying from a complementary colour palette that pretty much all my clothes can be mixed up to make new outfits, so I'll be using this for future purchases. Elementary to some people, maybe, but to me, a former fast fashion lover, it's a revelation!
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