A year ago today, I married the love of my life.
Our wedding has been documented extensively in this space, so I shan't bleat on for too long.
It's mid-week, we've missed GBBO, everyone everywhere is lamenting the end of summer as August burns out, but it's been a year since we exchanged rings and ate three different types of cake and spilled paella down our fronts (note to self - do not plan party food with saffron because that stuff stains.)
It's been a year of exchanging secret grins every time one of us refers to "husband" or "wife" in public, a year of hearing how much everyone loved the bacon butties at our evening party, a year of watching our relationship gain layer upon layer (a bit like a cake. There's a lot of cake in this post). We're not really in a position to throw a huge celebration for our first year as a married couple, but Jon met me after work today and let me take some cheesy photos of us outside St Paul's to commemorate the occasion, on the understanding that we'd go for dinner afterwards (mine primarily consisted of salted caramel parfait, which always forms a particularly nourishing meal).
It's not much but it's us, spending time together, shaking our heads at how quickly the time has passed, and trying to get a couple of half decent photos without one of us gurning or a random skateboarder filling half the frame. Next year, we're finding a quieter spot!
Love Dani
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