September, again.
It feels like summer only began the other week and yet here we are, pumpkin spice lattes available again, back to school signs all over the shops and pupils in striped blazers spilling off my morning train. Summers always used to last so long when I was younger and now this one has evaporated into Monday morning drizzle.
I have to write these life round-up posts for me now, just to remind myself that I did actually do things away from work and that we did actually have a summer, sort of. Here's a little run-through of memories from the last six weeks or so...
Eating:: On a recent windy and rainy Saturday we gathered the girls together for a Hogwarts-themed inaugural meeting of Cake Club. Huddled up with Half Blood Prince on the TV, we tucked into pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes, exploding bon bons, Polyjuice Potion (green smoothie), toad in the hole and Hagrid's birthday cake. It was so much fun! Now that Bake Off has resumed, we will be trying to emulate some of their challenges for our next meet-up... as a baker who can really only successfully make Yorkshire puddings, I'm a bit dubious but will do my best!
I also had my first ever boat party - a canalboat full of girls and Prosecco and Waitrose's finest picnic food. It was the most chilled out, hilarious and wonderful way to spend a Friday evening.
Watching:: If you're in need of TV recommendations for binge-watching, may I humbly recommend Preacher - we zipped through it in a matter of days. It's a graphic novel adaptation, full of dark comedy, violence and the most gorgeous cinematography. I watched the first 20 minutes alone, in which I was absolutely hooked by the Cassidy plane scene, so insisted Jon watch the rest with me! Dominic Cooper and Ruth Negga are just stunning too. I've also rewatched Being Human which is one of my all-time favourite shows - I really miss it, it was the perfect balance of laugh-aloud humour and heartbreak. There isn't really anything on these days which fills that gap! Next on our list to binge-watch are Mr Robot and Stranger Things, because we're always two trends behind everyone else.
What's left for the last few months of 2016? Well, I'd like to squeeze in another trip home before Christmas, as well as a possible jaunt up north to York again... but before any of that unfurls, the Potter madness continues with a trip to Enigma Quests' Harry Potter escape room on Saturday and I am so excited!
Love Dani
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