Hello everyone! If you have perused these pages before you might have gleaned that I am a bit of a beauty addict... and in fact if you have been reading the blog since 2010/2011 you may be aware that I had a bit of a beauty binging problem (cough). Since becoming a grown up with a job and a mortgage though I have tried to scale it back and only buy things I really really want or really really need, and rather than dropping £20 every other day on hundreds of cheap items I've been developing a tendency to only buy high-end products every three or four months instead in an effort to stop wasting money. I'd been doing quite well too, hence the lessening of beauty posts since 2012 and the introduction of more outfit posts (it's easier to mix and match). Jon even said to me the other week that my beauty collection had decreased and I felt a small glow of pride that my addiction had become so easy to control...
Yeah, that all went out the window this month.
I really don't know what it is, maybe the reappearance of the sun after months of dreary winter, maybe the fact I cleared out a whole load of old product recently, maybe I'm using retail therapy to get through a tough time, maybe (probably) it was all the 3 for 2 signs in Boots pressuring me into parting with my cash... but I've caved. And it feels so good! I'm bound to regret it at the end of the month when all I can afford to eat is a pack of 20p noodles but right now I'm enjoying my purchases! And this is what I've bought...
My first purchase was inspired by Kate at gh0stparties' Instagram - I spotted this No7 blush stick and simply had to to have it. Rushed to my local Boots the next day and the only one they had in my preferred shade was all mashed up - disgusting. So I bided my time, gnawing my nails until I could get to a different store and finally, finally got my mitts on it. Such a beautiful fresh flush of colour, I really love this and have used it every day since purchasing.
As part of my
ongoing quest for perfect skin I opted to try out the new version of La
Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo +. The + is very important as it signifies a
dramatic improvement in formula and magical properties - I hope. I tried
the original two years ago and liked it but not enough to repurchase
then, we will see...
Another product purchased for my skin is the Trilogy Rosehip oil, a blogger favourite these days and something I've been meaning to try for about six months. I've only had this a couple of days but first impressions are good, it sinks into the skin nicely and doesn't irritate. I'll report back once it has had more time to work magic!
I am sorry to say the other items are all total impulse buys - once again I have proved my utter inability to walk past Boots without being propelled inside by unseen forces. The Bourjois Liner Feutre is one I've used before but I wanted brown for a softer spring look. It isn't as pigmented as the black version but it serves the purpose! I also picked up the new CC cream concealer from Bourjois as part of the ongoing quest to hide my dark circles. The applicator takes some getting used to - it's all plastic so quite hygienic but you twist for ages without anything happening then a whole blob comes out at once! It's quite brightening though and I'm enjoying using it.
The Maybelline Big Eyes mascara is one I was on the fence about but it does a good job and doesn't clump at all! I like the different brushes and it's the best one I have used so far for bottom lashes, defining but not spidery. The formula is maybe a bit dry for my liking but it holds a curl and was pretty cheap too! The Denman brush is something I literally picked up just before I paid - my hair can get so knotted and is so thick, it has broken two brushes in the last couple of months... I have high hopes for this paddle brush though as it was recommended by a friend!
I think I've reached the end of my spending spree now though - I've also bought some new clothing essentials so now I'm putting the purse firmly away until my birthday. I've just got back from a lovely walk in the woods and am exhausted - time to snuggle on the sofa and catch up on blogs! Hope you're all having a beautiful Sunday!
Love Dani xoxo
The mascara is so good!