Hello everyone,
In a bid to kick start my fitness once again now the days are getting longer and huddling in your duvet all day is no longer an acceptable option I've been trying to make myself walk more and with more enthusiasm. I do walk to work every day but the environment is not exactly inspiring given my choices are a busy road or a railway! So when Jon's parents asked if we wanted to explore a nearby wood (in a bid to scout out more dog walking trails) I naturally said yes! It was rather beautiful, we came across the ruins of what was once a stately home until it was bombed in WWII... but the jewel in the crown was the beautiful walled garden which instantly evoked memories of a favourite childhood book! So of course I begged Jon to take a few snaps of my outfit...
Blazer - ASOS/ Tee - Dorothy Perkins/ Jeans -Next/ Bag - Primark/Necklace - Fiorelli
Coral is one of my all-time favourite spring/summer colours - it just suits my skintone and instantly makes me look more tanned, what more can you ask for? I really love the combination of the tee and blazer - I actually bought the blazer as a spur of the moment thing after seeing it on umpteen blogs and then it was in the ASOS sale for about £13! It's a lovely material, perfect for in-between weather and I didn't need a jacket! I finished off the outfit with one of my statement Fiorelli necklaces (I'm building quite the collection...) and comfy Next jeans, perfect for intrepid exploring down gorgeous daffodil-flanked paths (or stumbling over tree roots, as per my experience).
What have you been up to recently?

Molly would love that walk :) Love your tshirt! xx