A few posts ago I was talking about how I'd be posting about one of my latest and more expensive purchases to those of you who are interested. I am pleased to reveal that this purchase is...
Two things: First off, I bought this with some Christmas money (and a little 15% off voucher, thanks to Sephora). I can't afford this on a regular basis, sadly. And now the second thing...
It is TOO DARK for me.
Yes. Sad times. I've never been one of those people who changes their foundation with the changing seasons (I change my foundation on A WHIM because that is how I roll!)...I just wear less when I'm tanned in the summer, and usually my tan lasts all year round so I never have a problem with foundation. And I'm ALWAYS a shade with the word 'beige' in it. Always. Sadly, for whatever reason (Seasonal flu? Too much exfoliation? Have I mini-mitted all the colour out my face?) I am rather...on the pale side. For the first time in my life. And so, the foundation that I adored, fell in love with, swatched on a regular basis for the best part of a year, is now too dark. And it's not just the Chanel. Even my beloved Bourjois Healthy Mix is too dark! But obviously it saddens me more that I can't wear this beautiful, gorgeous, amazing (etc etc) foundation because it makes me look strange!
It's not awful. With a lot of blending and some powder to lighten it up, it is passable, to the extent that Jon can't tell it's too dark (unless I make him peer closely at my neck), and Jon is pretty well acquainted with my face so it can't be that bad. However, I see it. I look in the mirror and I feel like one of those girls who piles on fake tan and has strange tidemarks everywhere. My face looks dirty. Other people mightn't notice it, but I do.
And that saddens me.
So alas, I cannot wear this until I've got some colour back into my face, but I do think that given the texture and 'matte' factor of this foundation that it will be lovely in the warmer months. It's so disheartening though! I know it's such a trivial thing but I was so looking forward to wearing this...Until my face darkens, I shall just have to content myself with taking Mat Lumiere out its box and stroking it from time to time...and in the meantime I shall test some more to see if they fit my lighter complexion. At the moment I'm using a sample of Estee Lauder Double Wear (having heard horror stories of sales assistants and their colour matching, I matched myself to Fresco, had a slight panic when I saw how light it was in the bottle but it seems to be the right colour once applied!) and if that doesn't break me out, I may spend the remainder of my Christmas money on a bottle of that for the time being.
Isn't it irritating when this happens? Bah humbug!
Oh no I bet you was gutted! I know what you mean that if you know something is there its always going to be on your mind. Even if other peopl dont notice it!
ReplyDeleteI had a bit of a drooling session over the Chanel counter in selfridges yesterday. Ive decided that im going to have a little splurge when I get my first proper wage packet!
ahh i would have cried - really! maybe sell it on ebay if you can't wait that long? or there is TSUK on livejournal, bet they'd snap it up for a reasonable price. anyway, just thought i'd say hello because i've just found your blog and i love it. your header image is riciulously cute, too. lots of love,
Oh no! I've got a similar problem with my MAC foundation. It was an exact match when I bought it but after months of one illness after another during the winter months to say i'm a little pale would be putting it lightly! I look like I have a big orange face when I wear it and have to put a very pale powder over the top:z
ReplyDeleteOther than this being too dark for you at the moment it sounds like a good coverage.
Love your blog. xxx
@Sophie: I was gutted! Tried wearing it for a night out last night though and in the dark it doesn't look too horrifically dark on my skin so maybe it can be my going-out foundation for the time being! xx
ReplyDelete@Elle: aww thank you! Just looking at your blog now, I really like the first post on bloggers and beauty! xx
@Victoria: I feel your pain! I might pick up a paler powder than usual and see how that works! And thank you for the compliment:) xx