Today I was too traumatised by my medical check-up (which included an inpromptu blood test, I was not PREPARED) to post a 'face of the day'; at any rate, it was not a terribly interesting FOTD as I applied my make-up in a rush and managed to rub too much cheek stain into my skin so I walked around looking like a china doll all day. NOT a fan of hospitals. They smell (honestly, they do). Thankfully I consoled myself with a new blue cardigan, a top, Cadbury's, and Cosmo. Tomorrow I am doing the dreaded-outfit-1880s film...apparently we are not to apply any make-up whatsoever as they will be doing our make-up on set! I shall endeavour to provide you with photographs so you can appreciate the horrors some people go through in order to make films look more authentic...ahem...
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